Interested in the V.C.D.A.?

Beginners and Experienced Players Are Welcome!

Play in a handicapped league, or not, you decide how competative you want to be

Here is what you need to know about the VCDA:

  • Weekly matches played Thursday at 7:00pm
  • Matches typically last about 3 hours
  • Seasons last around 14-16 week
  • Singles Doubles and Team game format
  • Create a team or join an existing team
  • Play at your home bar roughly every-other week
  • Multiple league sponsored events each year
More information below the Interest Form, if needed.

General Information

League matches are currently played on Thursday Nite. Matches begin at 7:00 and typically last about 3 hours. The length of seasons is dictated by the number of teams but is usually around 14 - 16 weeks in duration. It is a solid commitment. There is a Spring and a Fall season, with an occasional Summer season thrown-in based on player participation.

VCDA Singles League

Singles league is currently played on Tuesday Nite. Matches begin at 7:00 and typically last about 2 - 3 hours. The length of seasons is dictated by the number of teams but is usually around 14 - 15 weeks in duration. It is also a solid commitment. There is a Spring and a Fall season, For information about VCDA's Singles League contact us at:


The best way to join the league is to form a team at your local bar or venue where you play darts with other players and contacting the management about sponsoring your team. Your host/sponsor, will need two regulation dart boards, score boards and appropriate lighting for every 2 teams they plan to sponsor. Three teams would require 4 dart boards. Play alternates between your home bar and your opponents home location. One week at home and one away (in most cases). You can see the current VCDA sponsors here, or from the link in the navigation bar.


Divisions are broken up by skill level, and play is around 11 sets long. You can see the Format of Play for Singles League and Teams here or by using the link navigation bar. Whichever division you are in, you can expect to play a good mix of singles and doubles in both 501, 301, and Cricket.

Team Sign Up

Please submit your information if you have a team to play in the next VCDA season. This is for Captains that have already assembled a group of other players. For teams that have previously played in the league, we still need you to fill in their info and team name.

Individual Players — No Current Team

Please submit your information if you would like to play in the next VCDA season, and do not have a team formed. We will try to help new players connect with existing teams that need a player, but the best way to get on a team is to form one. Many teams have formed from new players that have met at our events such as the ongoing 1st Sunday 2pm Tournament at The Garage Bar.

Subs & Alternates

If you would like make yourself available as an alternate, please submit your information to be placed on the Subs & Alternates contact list. You are giving current VCDA league teams permission to contact you to for league play. The Captain of the team you are playing for will tell you where you are playing. THERE IS NO LONGER A COST TO PLAY AS AN ALTERNATE UNTIL YOU HAVE PLAYED 3 TIMES IN ONE SEASON. Once an alternate plays for one team twice, they cannot sub for another team. If an alternate plays for the same team 3 times, that alternate is considered a full team member the full $25 season league fee is due.

More Questions? Click.

Please do everything possible to see matches are played in a timely manner.