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V.C.D.A. News + Updates

Saturday, Feb 15th, 2025

The Garage Bar
1091 Scandia Ave
Ventura, CA 93004
Banquet starts @ 1
Meeting + Awards @1:30
Blind Draw to Follow

There is a photo gallery. Take a look back and check out photos from the past.

Photo Gallery

Garage Bar Invests long term with the V.C.D.A. and Darts!

Exciting news for all dart enthusiasts! The V.C.D.A. is thrilled to announce that one of our anchor sponsor bars, "The Garage Bar," has rennovated their dart playing area!!

Now featuring 4 dart boards aligned on a single wall, improved lighting tailored for the game, and a more spacious overall layout, every dart match will be an elevated experience. This renovation is not just about aesthetics; it signifies "The Garage Bar's" enduring commitment to V.C.D.A. and every dart player who visits.

From our monthly Blind Draw events, league and singles matches, to our charity events benefiting our local communities, everything is set to shine brighter. Please join us as we raise our glass (or darts) as we extend our heartfelt gratitude to "The Garage Bar" for this generous investment.

Their contribution ensures an elevated experience for all V.C.D.A. members and visitors for years to come.

NEW Sponsor, Poseidon's, joins V.C.D.A.!

Poseidon's Brewery has joined the V.C.D.A.!

They will be hosting a new team, starting in the spring of 2024. They will be hosting Here Comes Treble, and many dart events to come. This is a BIG WIN for the V.C.D.A., so make sure to drop in and thank them as often as possible, and let them know you are there for the darts.

Ventura ELKS joins V.C.D.A.!

We have a recent addition to our Sponsors. Show them some love by dropping by and thanking them for being part of the V.C.D.A. family. The Elks Lodge.

Now with 4 boards for special events! Check our Sponsors Page for Directions. They hosted the return of the California State Team Championship tournament in great style. Show them some love.

Please do everything possible to see matches are played in a timely manner.